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Truth & Transformation

Truth AND Transformation is the podcast about living in your truth and the liberation from doing so. How it's scary AF and takes courage. It's the messy journey of being human. Expect a lot of vulnerability as we talk about trauma, sex, mental health, parenting, relationships, marriage, emotional wellness, and everyday life. Plus some woo shit, coz the woo is wise and I'm a witch so you know, gotta have some spirituality talk. Season 1 kicked off with me 'Living In My Truth' and coming out as bisexual after hiding it in fear of what people would think. I cried. It truly was liberating but also devastating to lose people too and yet, here I am 3 years later choosing to walk this path of living my truth. It's the work of creating a life that you actually frigging like. A life that's emotionally well for you and creating the very best relationships with yourself and others as you go. 

Truth & Transformation

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